Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

57, 1, pp. 37-48, Warsaw 2019
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.57.1.37

Time integration of stochastic generalized equations of motion using SSFEM

Mariusz Poński
The paper develops an integration approach to stochastic nonlinear partial differential equations
(SPDE’s) with parameters to be random fields. The methodology is based upon
assumption that random fields are from a special class of functions, and can be described
as a product of two functions with dependent and independent random variables. Such an
approach allows one to use Karhunen-Lo`eve expansion directly, and the modified stochastic
spectral finite element method (SSFEM). It is assumed that a random field is stationary
and Gaussian while the autocovariance function is known. A numerical example of onedimensional
heat waves analysis is shown.
Keywords: spectral stochastic finite element method, time integration, heat waves


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