Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

27, 3, pp. 473-486, Warsaw 1989

Badania pompy jednośrubowej o falistym zarysie gwintu

Andrzej Eymontt

In recent years in IBMER in Warsaw and in MEPROZET in Brzeg one-screw pumps HSP-100 were tested. Evaluation of these pumps showed us, that prematurely wearn out parts were as follows: case, rotor, shaft, bearings etc. It was decided to measure head losses in slots and vibrations of these pumps. The authors measured flow rate in pumps, height of a slot between rotor and stator, momentum of the pump rotor, value of pressure in the pump chamber, vibration of the stator. Water was used as fluid. During the measurements the authors were changing rotations of rotor, dimensions of rotor and stator, masses of elements, hardeness of stator's rubber, difference of pressure between suction and pression chambers.