Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
53, 3, pp. 745-755, Warsaw 2015
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.53.3.745
and Applied Mechanics
53, 3, pp. 745-755, Warsaw 2015
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.53.3.745
Analysis of lateral vibrations of the axially loaded helical spring
It is shown in this paper that the proposed concept by Krużelecki and Życzkowski (1990) of the equivalent rod can be applied in calculations of natural lateral vibrations of springs and that the obtained results will be nearer FEM results than the standard model based on the Timoshenko equivalent beam. The model, created on this base, allows one to calculate natural frequencies of the clamped-clamped spring. It is also shown that models based on the equivalent beam concept, which are easier to apply than the models treating the spring as the spatially curved rod, have only a slightly smaller accuracy. It is also indicated that in the most common practice making of manufacturing end coils of springs, the natural frequencies differ significantly from the frequencies calculated by means of all tested methods. The performed simulations show that differences between the first and the second as well as the third and the fourth natural frequency of the spring are small and, therefore, the axially symmetrical equivalent beam model can be used without a large error. The diagram allowing one to determine whether the desired frequencies are lower or higher than the cut-off frequency is developed for the presented model.
Keywords: helical spring vibrations, axially loaded spring,coil spring, Timoshenko equivalent beam