Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

55, 1, pp. 377-388, Warsaw 2017
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.55.1.377

Automotive vehicle engine mount based on an MR squeeze-mode damper: modeling and simulation

Bogdan Sapiński, Jacek Jan Snamina
The study investigates the performance of a semi-active vehicle engine mount incorporating
an MR damper working in the squeeze mode (MRSQD), summarising its design, operating
principles and key characteristics. The mathematical model of the mount is formulated
based on the newly developed MRSQD. Two control algorithms are proposed for MRSQD
control. The first algorithm (ALG1) uses the inverse model of the engine-frame system, the
other is the sliding mode algorithm (ALG2). The effectiveness of the engine mount system
is demonstrated in computer simulation.
Keywords: engine mount, vibration reduction, MR damper, control, algorithm