Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

56, 3, pp. 815-828, Warsaw 2018
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.56.3.815

Primary parametric resonance of an axially accelerating beam subjected to static loads

Yuda Hu, Yantian Rong, Jing Li
Primary parametric resonance and stability of an axially accelerating and current-carrying
beam subjected to static loads in magnetic field are investigated. The nonlinear magneto-
-elastic vibration equation is derived. The approximate solution of the static problem and the
disturbance deferential equation of the beam with two sides simply supported are obtained.
The frequency-response equation of primary parametric resonance is further achieved by
a multi-scale method. According to stability conditions, the stability of the steady-state
solution is also discussed. By numerical examples, the amplitude versus different parameter
curves and the bifurcation diagrams of the amplitude are acquired. The effects of magnetic
induction intensity, axial speed, detuning parameter and static loads on nonlinear vibration
characteristics are also analyzed.
Keywords: current-carrying beam, primary parametric resonance, magnetic field, axial movement, static loads


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