Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

55, 3, pp. 923-935, Warsaw 2017
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.55.3.923

Study of the influence of cold working on mechanical behavior and ductile fracture of 5754 aluminum alloy: experimental and numerical simulations

Wafa Taktak, Rim Taktak, Nadder Haddar, Riadh Elleuch
The ductile damage of automotive aluminum sheet alloy AA5754-H111 is investigated by
experiments and numerical simulation using the Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman (GTN) mo-
del. The GTN parameters were determined by a uni-axial tensile test and the inverse finite
element method. The same parameters were employed to provide the ductile damage beha-
vior of central cracked panel (CCP) specimens. A good prediction can be established among
the numerical simulation and experimental data in from of the force opening displacement.
As an application, the identified GTN model is used to predict the influence of cold wor-
king on deformation and ductile damage. The numerical simulation results obtained are
assimilated with experimental data.
Keywords: GTN model, ductile fracture, AA5754-H111, cold working