and Applied Mechanics
57, 1, pp. 115-126, Warsaw 2019
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.57.1.115
Design with sadsf method and analyses of elastic properties of torsion-loaded structures based on double-tee sections
admissible discontinuous stress fields (SADSF) of two new and interesting thin-walled
structures based on double-tee sections. Although these constructions are intended to carry
torsion moment loads, all their surfaces are accessible from outside. The paper is completed
with the selected results of linearly-elastic FEM analyses of the presented solutions. They
show surprisingly good strength properties and significantly higher load-carrying capacity
comparing to structures designed in an intuitive way. The objectives of the paper, among
other things, are as follows: popularization of the SADSF method, presentation of its new
solutions and confirmation of practical usefulness in the design of thin-walled structures.
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