and Applied Mechanics
57, 1, pp. 59-72, Warsaw 2019
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.57.1.59
An extended contact model of the angular bearing
The model takes account of the effects of centrifugal load caused by thr rotating ring of the
bearing and the issue of elasticity. Present models, encountered in literature and referred
to in the article as classical, consider the centrifugal force caused by the rotating ball only.
Results of analytical research on the extended model and of FEM simulation show explicitly
that the contact angles of bearings, and thus contact loads, differ very much from those
values obtained in the classical model. These differences are disadvantageous for designing
bearing assemblies, since contact loads are greater than those obtained in the classical model.
This means, among others, that the present structures with angular contact bearings are
in reality subject to greater loads than the constructor has envisaged. The motto of the
article is to design analytical calculation models in such a form which would enable the
constructor to estimate contact loads, just using a standard scientific calculator or MS
Excel type applications; so that there would be no need for solving complex models using
numerical methods.
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