Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

56, 4, pp. 1139-1151, Warsaw 2018
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.56.4.1139

Structural response of multilayered aluminum and steel specimens subjected to high strain rate loading conditions

Danish Iqbal, Vikrant Tiwari
Series of experiments and a detailed computational analysis has been performed to investi-
gate the high strain rate behaviour of homostacked Al 6063-T6 and IS 1570 alloys. Split
Hopkinson pressure bar technique was utilized to study the effect of high rate loading on the
stress strain relationship of single, double, tri and quad layered/stacked specimens. Three
different specimen aspect ratios 1, 0.75 and 0.5 were also evaluated for different strain rates.
A 2mm thick pulse shaper was employed in achieving dynamic stress equilibrium, a near
constant strain rate and a high rise time as per requirements. After analyzing the results
from the experiments it was observed that single and halved specimens showed a close match
in both the elastic and plastic regions for aluminium alloy as well as for steel. In the case of
Al 6063-T6, a nearly bi-linear nature of the constitutive curve was observed for single and
halved specimens, which transformed into near tri-linear nature for tri and quad stacked
specimens. The dynamic numerical analysis showed a good agreement between the nume-
rical and experimental results for a single and halved specimen in the case of Al alloy. For
steel, a close correlation was observed for all the four cases.
Keywords: dynamic stress strain behaviour, multilayering, pulse shaper, finite element simu- lation


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