Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

57, 1, pp. 99-113, Warsaw 2019
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.57.1.99

An inverse kinematic model of the human training centrifuge motion simulator

Rafał Lewkowicz, Grzegorz Kowaleczko
The paper presents an inverse kinematic model for a centrifuge motion simulator used to
verify newly defined absolute acceleration profiles. The modelling is concerned with a human
training centrifuge with three degrees of freedom. The values of kinematic parameters have
been obtained for this three-jointed manipulator. Validation of the developed model has been
performed by comparing the results obtained from the centrifuge motion simulator with the
results of numerical simulations. The simulation revealed that the inverse kinematic model
enabled calculation of the angular displacement, velocity and acceleration of the links that
are needed for the given linear acceleration of the simulator cabin.
Keywords: inverse kinematic, simulator, centrifuge, motion system


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