Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

12, 3, pp. 231-243, Warsaw 1974

O modelowaniu wału wielopodporowego z wieloma tarczami za pomocą wielkiego systemu bioscylatorów. Część I. Uwagi ogólne. Oscylatory wielowskaźnikowe

Robert Krzywiec
Part one of the paper on shaft modelling (clastic shaft with several supports and loaded by several disks) presents: (1) General considerations concerning the method of constructing the differential equations of motion; (2) Multi-indicial linear oscillators (progressive and rotational), which will be used (in the second part of the paper) to introduce multi-indicial bi-oscillators for shaft modelling. The paper is formulated in the multi-series language, i.e. in the language of multi-indicial series and the corresponding algebra and elements of analysis as presented in author's doctoral dissertation.