Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

18, 1, pp. 107-123, Warsaw 1980

Wpływ zjawiska odwijania przewodu kierowania i niektórych parametrów geometrycznych rakiety na jej stateczność dynamiczną

Tadeusz Kuźmicewicz, Jerzy Maryniak

The main purpose of this paper is an analysis of the effect of cable's uncoiling i.e. cable's tension and propulsion on the dynamical stability. In the calculation we have investigated the influence of reel's diameter and position of rocket's gravity center on the stability. Equations of rocket's motion were linearized by the method of small perturbations. The influence of the cable was introduced by taking into account cable's tension and prepulsion in the equation of motion. The solution of the linear differential equations is based on the calculation of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the state matrix. A numerical example of the investigated problem has been discussed.