Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

18, 4, pp. 603-622, Warsaw 1980

Kształty prętów silnie zakrzywionych poddanych zginaniu z rozciąganiem i ścinaniem, całkowicie uplastycznionych w stadium zniszczenia

Anna Dollar, Zdzisława Kordas

In the paper we investigate the shapes of bars subjected to bending, tension and shear, satisfying the yield condition at all points at the stage of collapse. Applying the small parameter method the shapes different from circular (a quarter of a ring) are investigated. In the designed bar we can observe two zones: a zone of circumferential compresion and a zone of circumferential tension. In each of them the stress state is determined by three components satisfying the internal equilibrium conditions and the yield condition. Two types of solutions are obtained: the first, corresponding to goven ratios of undisturbed radii of a ring quarter, and the second corresponding to arbitrary ratios. The solved problem completes and broadens variety of analyzed in [4].