Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
20, 3-4, pp. 253-270, Warsaw 1982
and Applied Mechanics
20, 3-4, pp. 253-270, Warsaw 1982
O propagacji fal naprężenia w sprężysto-plastycznym przewodniku poddanym działaniu ruchomej siły masowej w obecności pola magnetycznego
The propagation of plane stress waves in an elastic-plastic perfect conductor placed in a constant primary magnetic field is considered. The action of an instantaneous magnetic field, which generates the wave motion in the conductor, is modelled by means of a moving body force. An analysis of an exact form solution obtained by the method of characteristics is performed. It is shown that a boundary layer free of plastic deformations appears at the outer surface of the conductor and that the propagation of a plastic zone precedes the motion of a body force. These effects are similar to those observed in a process of electro-magnetic forming of metals.