Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

23, 2, pp. 291-305, Warsaw 1985

Ocena powierzchni plastyczności materiałów anizotropowych nieliniowych metodą sprzężenia termo-mechanicznego

Zdzisław Gabryszewski, Bogdan Pindur

The role of thermal-mechanical coupling method (STM) of the yield surface investigation has been presented. A theoretical possibility of determining the yield surface using the STM method in anisotropic non-linear elastic materials at proportional and non-proportional loadings out has been pointed out. The experimental investigations consisting in the yield surface determination by STM method in macroanisotropic elastic-plastic material (since the beginning of loading) have been described. The material was policrystalline zink. Tubular thin-walled specimens were subjected to uniaxial tension in axial and tangential direction, torsion and biaxial tension. The comparison of the obtained results with the values of the yield point resulting from the strength hypotheses has been presented.