Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

23, 3-4, pp. 397-411, Warsaw 1985

Płaski rozlot produktów detonacji ze skokowo zmiennym wykładnikiem izentropy

Edward Włodarczyk

The problem has been solved explicitly of the expansion of gaseous products of the plane detonation, on consideration of jump-variations in the value of the isentropic exponent k. The reaction of the atmospheric air that surrounds the explosive has also been taken into account. Closed-form formulae have been derived for the parameters of state and motion of the expanding post-explosion gases. These formulae can be applied in engineering practice, for instance, when assessing the effect of tamping upon the pressure-pulse of the post-explosion gases in a cylindrical shot-hole. They also permit the losses to be assessed of energy released from the explosive while blasting with no tamping.