Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

24, 1-2, pp. 41-59, Warsaw 1986

Analityczny opis wyników badań na zmęczenie jednym równaniem na przykładzie wybranych tworzyw sztucznych

Marian Nowak

For the description of the results of fatigue testing a two-component equation was used (3) in which one of the components in the function of the normal decomposition. It has been found that, with regard to the selected plastics (selected on account of the value $\psi$) the approximation error by means of equation (3) is not greater than by equations of simple regressions (1) and (2). The normal decomposition enables a description of full fatigue diagram, i.e. fatigue strength with a small number of cycles, limited fatigue strength as well as durable or conventional fatigue strength.