Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics

56, 3, pp. 803-813, Warsaw 2018
DOI: 10.15632/jtam-pl.56.3.803

3D FE analysis of the behavior of elliptical cracks on orthopedic cement of the total hip prosthesis

Ali Benouis, Mohammed El Sallah Zagane, Abdelkader Boulenouar, Boualem Serier, Mohamed Elnedhir Belgherras
An explicit analysis conducted on the crack behavior in chirurgical cement (Polymethylme-
thacrylate – PMMA) used for Total Hip Prosthesis (THP) is of great importance in collecting
information about the nature of the phenomenon of loosening of the cement application. The
rupture of the orthopedic cement is practically the main cause of this loosening. Understan-
ding different rupture mechanisms give a great value in advancing the durability of the
cemented total prosthesis. The purpose of this study is to analyse cracks behavior, initiated
in the cement that links the femoral-stem with the bone, using the Finite Element Analysis
Method (FEM). The present study brings into focus the variation of the stress intensity
factor in modes I, II and III. This rupture criterion is used according to the nature of crack,
its orientation and its location in the orthopedic cement. At first, the level and distribution
of the equivalent von Mises stress is analysed, which is induced in the medial, proximal
and distal parts of the bone cement. Then, the behavior of different geometric forms of an
elliptical crack is evaluated which are located and initiated within the body of these three
Keywords: cement, implant, crack size, stress intensity factors (SIFs), X-FEM


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