Journal of Theoretical
and Applied Mechanics
18, 3, pp. 391-399, Warsaw 1980
and Applied Mechanics
18, 3, pp. 391-399, Warsaw 1980
Problemy obliczania powłok w turbinowych silnikach lotniczych
A method is presented for calculations of compressor and gas turbine rotors of the aircraft engines making use of shell, plate and disc finite elements. It is assumed that the units under consideration rotate at a constant angular speed. Their elements are exposed to the action of mass forces caused by the rotation, tension forces of rims of blades, as well as surface forces due to the pressure difference at a compressor or turbine section. In this paper a method is presented for determining the state of displacements, strains and stresses in the rotor, for the design of its elements under a prescribed distribution of the permissible stress and for calculations of natural and forced vibrations.