Table of Contents
1. Effect of plastic prestrain magnitude on uniaxial tension creep of copper at elevated temperatures | |
Zbigniew L. Kowalewski | 507-517 |
2. Microstructural effect on fracture toughness of N26MT2Nb steel in the two-phase state | |
Jerzy Jelenkowski | 519-537 |
3. Investigations of barrel bore wearing mechanism | |
Edward Włodarczyk, Aleksander Moszczyński, Adam Jackowski | 539-549 |
4. Waves generated by an incident shock in a peculiar hyperelastic material | |
Sławomir Kosiński | 551-576 |
5. On the impulse response function for water waves generated in fluid of constant depth | |
Kazimierz Szmidt | 577-589 |
6. Mathematical modelling in measurements of unsteady flows with ultrasonic flowmeters | |
Krzysztof Boś, Zdzisław Kabza, Janusz Pospolita | 591-603 |
7. On the generalized Euler equations | |
Avelino H. Passos Morgado | 605-614 |
8. Averaging of mechanical systems by means of non-smooth periodic functions | |
Valeriy Pilipchuk, Eugeniusz Świtoński | 615-626 |
9. Chaotic vibration of a journal-bearing system | |
Włodzimierz Kurnik, Zbigniew Starczewski | 627-641 |
10. The non-linear vibrations of parametrically self-excited system with two degrees of freedom | |
Jerzy Warmiński, Kazimierz Szabelski | 643-665 |
11. A review of the influence of high angle of attack aerodynamics on aircraft dynamic stability | |
Abdul Hamid A. Ghmmam, Zdobysław Goraj | 667-686 |
12. Influence of induced velocity modelling on helicopter stability | |
Paweł Mazurek, Janusz Narkiewicz | 687-710 |
13. Comparison of solutions in a frame-work of different plate theories | |
Abdel Fattah M. El-Zebidy, Zbigniew F. Baczyński | 711-723 |